FaZe Rug

FaZe is a popular YouTuber. He is also the director of FaZe Clan, an eSports organization that is mainly comprised of Call of Duty gamers. His YouTube channel was the first to draw attention to him. The videos soon became popular, and one of them featuring the "Cocaine Prank" was watched more than 22 million times. FaZe Rug also uploads "call-of-duty videos and vlogs to his own YouTube channel which has earned over 19 million subscribers so far. The prank videos and vlogs attract a greater number of views than his 'call-of-duty videos. Many of his videos feature his family and his brother. FaZe Rug was a household name when the public began to notice his videos where he plays pranks on other people. As a student He wanted to have some enjoyment and share his experiences with others. Even though he began recording his funny pranks, and then uploading them to YouTube and other sites, he discovered the joy of sharing his experiences with the world. He began to produce more videos about pranks and other "call-of-duty" issues, and started making Vlogs. People were eager to see more. He decided to leave college the first year and began to get into making videos. The videos of Faze Rug have become extremely popular due to them looking very realistic as he uses lots of skills and techniques in creating them. He has more than 2.5 million followers on Twitter and more than 5.7 million followers on Instagram. FaZe rug was born on November 19 of 1996 in San Diego, California as Brian Awadis. His parents, who were originally from Iraq came to America in the 1980s. They are sometimes referred to as "Mama Rug' and 'Papa Rug'. He grew up with his brother Brandon in San Diego like any normal child and went to college after completing his school studies.



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